Yes written by Angelica Jade Bastien
Yes written by Angelica Jade Bastien
Racists now make me hate milk.
Also I am tired of Rose. Find a new villain.
They should have just killed him off at the start of the season and get it out of the way. Doing it now is just a complete ass pull. And not one of the silly ones they have done previously.
I will throw in Fleabag.
It could just be as Rebecca remembered it.
They make so much sense together that it sort of feels like they will headfake that too.
She was obviously not mother of the year but, she had enough understanding to know to tell Josh to not ask Rebecca about "Robert" And I think she understood like everyone else there that Paula was the only one who could talk her off the edge so she stayed back.
So Hector and Heather?
My entire high school had that phase.
And her father on the show is black.
At the yoga studio I go to they have Yogi Nap Hour class in the middle of the day. The whole class everyone is in relaxation pose.
It is not as good as Moonlight but, I still thought it was fantastic. But, you know backlash season. Whiplash was my pick for best movie of 2014 so I was really impressed with what we saw from Chazelle with a much bigger budget.
It is also funny after years of hearing crap like femi-nazi people are mum on the actual neo-nazi movement that was enthusiastically behind Trump.
And the Matrix is another example of people completely missing the point of a movie. Do the people in the redpill or MRA subreddits know the directors of the Matrix are trans?
But, with these discussions we also downplay the students who complain all this talk about racism is really reverse racism or that all that Women's studies teaches hatred of men. Hell Republicans in Arizona ban Ethnic Studies and Social Justice courses.
Yeah I really do not think it should be a purity test for Oscar nominees. They should just vote for who had the best performance, movie, etc.
I would rather they go back to five.
I won the 12 Years a Slave/Gravity year doing that.
I thought her performance in Her was much stronger that year. And I thought American Hustle was overrated.