I was watching on DVR and it took me about an hour and a half to watch this whole episode with all the pauses I took watching it.
I was watching on DVR and it took me about an hour and a half to watch this whole episode with all the pauses I took watching it.
Kathryn Hahn should have at least a three episode arc on every sitcom.
How I Met Your Mother got good performances out of Britney Spears(and recently so did Jane the Virgin). When it comes to sitcoms it often comes down to writing. With good material almost anyone could look good.
My two favorite musical scenes of the season so far.
Sort of appreciate that Lucca was mentioned as bi racial just like the actress who portrays her Cush Jumbo. I have had a pet peeve of bi racial actors only playing characters who were only black.
Frasier had the same problem when Daphne's family was introduced.
And Anthony Anderson went to Howard.
I was more into the Pullman Strike myself.
I grew up in a black neighborhood where you are more likely to get a Bible reading than actual candy. We ended up doing our trick or treating in the rich white neighborhood that was close by.
Especially since I think the character had trouble with weight before.
Vulture being interested in his brother's windows is strangely sort of a reference to Winters' time on Rescue Me.
I think you can blame No Doubt for Paramore not Taylor Swift.
Come to think about it for all of original Phil's crimes he never put anyone through CIA black site type torture the cast put him through this episode.
I know he is an asshole but, the everyone but, Carol shits on Tandy storyline is getting boring real quick. And the rest of the cast needs something more to do or storylines of their own. The characters not being played by Forte or Schaal are dead weight right now
And even though the core of the show was very sweet Parks and Recreation did often highlight the major issues in government.
I really wish we would just have a whole season of just Will Forte and Kristen Schaal.
One of those Modern Family epsiodes where I fast forward through half of it.
A simple answer would be that it is the type of neighborhood where some do not have access to cars. So they might need to use the kids' bike to get around.
Wouldn't her character be going off to college by now?
The black neighborhood I grew up in was not that bad but, we definitely had the grown men riding little girl's bicycles phenomenon.