The Man Who Laughs

It's probably not going to come out this year.

I enjoy all Zack Snyder movies. Unironically. I agree with all the criticisms posted so far but I still like all the movies being reasonably discussed here.

Just Cause 2 was based mostly around the grappling hook/parachute mechanic; it's not really similar. Far Cry would be more apt, I think.

I think by by "worthy of the trailer", OP meant he thought the final product might be thought-provoking and emotionally-stirring, but I suppose he may have been referring to TEH GRAFFICKZ.

They're both cunts.

I think he means how like America has the whole slavery thing, and Japan had the whole Unit 731 deal. Every culture has some fucked up baggage they'd rather ignore.

I like it. Mos Ass.

Black Ghostbusters. I don't know if this means that the Ghostbusters are black, or if they are racist Ghostbusters who bust black ghosts.

I agree, and I don't even remember any continuity errors.

I don't know if Dreams fits into any of these categories. It just is what it says it is.