Gender-Switch Ace

Bill Cosby Ripped Apart By Rabid Weasels

Mirren's driven a few guys to blindness, or at least to the point they need glasses.

On the one hand, you've got a point. On the other hand, NBC sucks.

Maybe they thought they could finally cast that hot blonde they wanted to back in Season 1.

Yeah, I'd swap out Dogma for Quigley, which I kinda like but wouldn't fall on any swords for, wheras Dogma, messy as it is, is probably Smith's last good movie.

Yeah, you don't get a streaming series in development if there isn't some sort of fanbase.

Methinks the writer might be projecting a bit.

There are other reasons for that re Jeff.

The story goes that when Herd pitched them to Ole Anderson as being unbeatable because their hunches would prevent them from being pinned, Ole said him and Arn would have them screaming for mercy in seconds with a submission move, and Herd stormed out.

Yeah, he said he wanted a kid-friendly gimmick at a time when there was a dearth of them.

That was the Oddities, but I can't remember if Doink was with them. I remember a rumor at the time they were trying to get Marilyn Manson to valet their arch-rivals the Headbangers.

Not exaggerating, I managed to block that whole mess from my memory for years til a reference to it on Wrestlecrap. Then it all came flooding back.

Or just straight up attacks on other posters, like that one that wandered in over the weekend with a grudge against Archmage for who the hell knows what reasons.

The only other option is a lateral, maybe worse move - Facebook. I already had problems with the worsening tone in the Topless Robot/Robot's Voice (RIP) comments before the move to Facebook, that just sealed the deal.


If me and my friends had written that comic where we kill the teachers and take over the school just a few years later, we'd have been front page news (especially since it was in Texas) instead of the counselor correctly telling them we were blowing off steam.

Don't bother trying to have a discussion with them, this is a troll.

The idea of Order 66 in the film alone was good enough I'll agree. The cartoon made it even better by fleshing out the clone-troopers.

Darth Icke went Sith after becoming convinced the Jedi had been infiltrated by reptoids.

Doctor Who: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon Richard Nixon isn't the villain.