Gender-Switch Ace

Today he would not be caught dead saying that socialism was good in theory, not practice, like he did over ten years ago, because the Grampa Simpsons and Jaspers watching would ride him out of town on a rail for even implying there was anything good about socialism.

Even though I like the F13 series, it's not like you can't get some good snark out of this. This read like someone trying to imitate MST/Rifftrax and only producing a string of non-funny insults.

It ain't gonna get to the choppah itself!

Calling a classic Simpsons episode stupid? That's a paddling.

Aww, but I wanted to call someone "sugartits"!

Even when you're being tolerant you're a jerkass.

*Starts the audience screaming "WHAT" every time Webb speaks, cracks open a beer*

I liked Nixon… in that Doctor Who two-parter.

Based off recent developments, I wonder if it was more the creative brain trust, given the apparent reasoning for getting rid of that was too many directors (like Wright and Thor Dark World) having issues with them. Not that Feige is perfect, but I'm suspicious of any group that includes Quesada.

Mel Gibson's your co-worker?

Implying, or imploding?

Dammit, who left the door open? The Breitbart trolls are tracking mud in again!

The Dark Is Rising, not relocated to America and with a director who won't gut the series mythology because it conflicts with their religion. Hell, just get the BBC to do it.

Yeah, but come on, it's not like Christian zealots are always taking something out of context!

She voiced my favorite one-scene character in Batman, the shop girl who's so jaded she's the only one who doesn't run out when the Creeper busts in to build his costume. I figure she's the only one who got a good look at him and figured out he wasn't the Joker despite the hair and insanity.

It will never stop being trendy to take shots at The Last Stand, or Wolverine Origins. Never Forget.

Didn't know that, cool, I'll look it up.

True, the whole "women can be misogynistic too" deal. My best friend's a girl and had a streak of misogyny for a long time.

99% chance 100% Utah is a guy.

I have some very, very bad news.