Gender-Switch Ace

Make sure not to pass out drunk during the night or they might get baked into a pie for you to eat.

Why do you think they crossed over?

I remember when listening to radio in the early 90s and hearing a certain opening, for a second I'd ask myself "Is this going to be How Soon is Now, or Hippie Chick?"

Well, in terms of animation there's more from the 90's that holds up than the 80's (and I grew up with both). But like any other decade, what doesn't hold up really falls badly.

I remember when I saw the ads for The Sixth Sense I was like "Yeah, Bruce, that last movie you did with a kid worked SO well." Mulligan on that one.

Falls under their "no comedies" rule, and probably too painful for Bill.

If my math is right after one more season they'll have the minimum required to syndicate Venture Bros.

In the interest of being fair, which I can be though I stand by my critiques of the Curtis Armstrong RR, maybe this was one of those cases where there wasn't time.

As an ex-resident of 30+ years, I'm still screaming FREE AT LAST, FREE AT LAST, THANK NO GOD, FREE AT LAST!

Thanks for a reminder of what I escaped. LEFT COAST 4 LIFE!

We did a comic book where we took over the school and killed the teachers and preppies. The counselor rightly told the teachers it was just a harmless artistic outlet for us. Needless to say, this was before Columbine.

Teachers had a thing about "sucks", and as they'd always use the word "inappropriate" to describe it. Finally, when I complained about the book we were reading and how counter-productive it was to make us read a book we didn't enjoy, when I got that response again I yelled "SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS!", tossed the

One of my nieces got in trouble for freaking body glitter. My sister gave the principal a righteous chewing-out.

Yep, perfect example that sent me on a drunken rant on two social media accounts (back when I still drank) was when some derailed a discussion on Female Genital Mutilation by saying male circumcision is just as bad.

Reminds me of when Frank Coniff, who I adore mind you, threw a fit over on Satellite News linking to a piece on MST3K here and allowing comments on it because he saw it as a double-standard as Sampo disables comments on all politically charged stories - mostly dealing with Frank. Apparently he thinks because AV is

My roommate has two swords and gave one to me. I like to put on Juno Reactor's "Samurai" and pose with it.

The BBC, even today, are as far away from Hollywood types as you can get, so this pedant's point still stands.

I thought Two Gay Cowboys Eating Pudding was brilliant, myself.

"Hey, him being a zombie isn't enough, let's make him an executed pedophile!"

Ah yes, the Daleks, owned by that wonderful Hollywood institution the British Broadcasting Corporation.