Truancy Park

Primates usually dig on bananas, at least in cartoony things

It's weird how many other facts this article offers up for consumption, ostensibly accurate. Research occurred. It's confusing.

Where Do Your Parents Think You Are Right Now, Internet?

Up with this clueless self-indulgent corporate streaming thing, and down with I guess just talking about a comprehensive music festival. Got it.

This story doesn't know how to feel about any of this! Half a commercial, half just straight goofin'.

So This is What It's Come To, Internet

In this age of spoilers, actually shocking a TV audience is nearly impossible, but leave it to The Good Wife to pull it off.

Spotted her name in the credits! Honestly, with a name like Maude, I had assumed that she was the old lady who got hit by the cab.

I'm not so sure that this was a public school; the conversation with Fran suggested that it might be a private institution with a free-spirited approach (the courses themselves, the teacher who dropped out of middle school, the fact that Hannah contrasted the environment with her undoubtedly made-up fantasy of

I shared your reaction to those two lines— and I'll add that "strenuously casual" is a great way to describe the ugly, over-labored, insincere tone that's crept into this site over the past year or so— but I think there were some great observations elsewhere in the article.

Keeps switching me between my Disqus and AV Club Accounts, so I can't edit this post, but this one goes right to the Sputnik entry for those who are curious

I loved him for everything — his first appearance on Fringe was, for me, one of the great unspoiled TV surprises — but nearest to my heart is his work as the narrator of Civilization IV.

Written by Tom Gianas and Adam McKay, RVTV stars Poehler, Matt Dwyer, and improv legend Del Close […] and it’s nearly impossible to tell how much of this is intentionally funny

Maybe the section is designed to find stories for ClickHole to spoof. Perfect corporate synergy.

Next week, on a very special movie-length subplot of New Girl…

Thornton got a lead nom, actually! He's sharing an elevator to the ceremony with Freeman.

Thanks for the link. The whole contest thing sounds so stilted and bizarre, but my favorite tidbit on that page is part of the plot synopsis:

Assassin's Shame: 101 minutes of Desmond jacking it to holograms or whatever of Altair, Ezio, and The Native American One completely going to town on historically notable orifices. At the end, he gets into a subway car and stares at Kristen Bell.

Kids, why would you bring the first lady in here of all places

Not sure if this has film been referenced yet — it's tangential, and perhaps it's not reverential — but my first real experience with Mickey Rooney (aside from, maybe, The Simpsons) was Martin Arnold's 1998 film "Alone. Life Wastes Andy Hardy". I highly recommend checking it out, with the caveat that you'll probably