Andrew Littlefield

Not only is "I wanna be black" offensive, it sounds like it was recorded in a closet.

Wow, "Disco Mystic" makes me long for METAL MACHINE MUSIC!

One does have to wonder what was going through the director's mind in the third film when he was shooting the scene involving a small child's head melting, other than "good lord, I'm a monster!"

It's also funny to me how in both films the British police are portrayed as the incompetent group of buffoons; c'mon, you can't catch some old guy who's trying to kill a group of people that you know he's targeting? Dirty Harry woulda wasted Phibes in the first scene.

THEATER OF BLOOD came after PHIBES, and has a very similar plot; I'm a fan of both films, but I give TOB the win because you get to hear Price's great voice doing Shakespeare.

I think the joke there was that Morley was a "queen", like the woman who eats her children in the place. I've always found that death the most gruesome in the film, even without any blood!

Shame that this collection has no TOMB OF LIGEIA or THEATER OF BLOOD, or any of those William Castle movies (THE TINGLER, HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL), yeah, Price gave us a lot of fun horror over the years. And he rocked on THE MUPPET SHOW!

Yeah, Americans had to go to a theater to see the boobies back then, the English were well ahead of us.

Yep, "witches" were mostly poor older women living alone who were blamed for every bad crop or plague. Still, at least on AHS they say that the people burned at Salem weren't actually witches.

Wallace did a great job as Krabopple; with a simple "HA" she could convey so much. And now that her character's being retired, how about doing the same with every other character on the show, they all more or less passed away a long time ago…

He was once quoted as saying, "Give me ten minutes and a camera and I can teach anyone how to direct a movie." Given the quality of films, I'd say it was more like five minutes….still, I heard the Fresh Air interview and he seemed like a nice enough guy. So, 10-4, good buddy.

The headline for this article made me laugh almost as much as the clip itself. Well done!

While this may be over analyzing a dumb movie, it bothers me that the evil witches are burned at the beginning of the film, implying that witch burning was a GOOD thing. Yeeesh!

I don't get the cult for this pile of tripe. It is kinda weird seeing witches try to be the three stooges (Midler often takes a poke at her foolish partners)

Did Fiona plan to kill Madison all the time? I watched that scene a couple of times, and it looks to me that the throat slitting was a mistake, one that she quickly accepted, but still a mistake. Why encourage Madison to kill her if it was all a bluff?

"all evidence suggests that Norris would have taken Lee apart in a real fight", you may have opened a can of worms there. One thing for sure, Lee was a better actor than Norris, even with English as a second language…

It always bugged me that on "Life’s A Glitch, Then You Die", Spike Lee was on the "bad" spaceship. MALCOM X was great! Shoulda been Pat Boone…

Oddly enough, I stopped reading the books as a freshman in HS, and gave all my copies to a female classmate who was a big fan of the books…

I agree with Todd, a sequel to THE INCREDIBLES could be great, especially considering what an excellent job Pixar did with the TOY STORY movies.

Wow, I read a bunch of these books when I was 12-13, and like you the misogyny washed over me without any real reaction. I suspect my reaction if I reread them would be the same as yours….