
If you are referring to my comment, I am team Richie till the end. But that's how I see it. I guess it is good writing.

Few thoughts after rewatching this - amazing episode - several times.
Patrick's HIV breakdown is caused by his feeling of shame and necessary secrecy about affair with Kevin - first time he asks about bedbugs after Kevin's own outburst of paranoia after their hook up (in the middle of the work day? jesus) in motel.

It's interesting, but I don't see it that way. This remark from Kevin always sounded like a joke to me, but maybe you are right. To be honest, so far I see Kevin jumping ropes for Patrick. I am actually really surprised by how much Kevin works for those relationship. He provided bed, he agreed with the idea of gay

Is social difference THAT big? If I remember correctly, John works with ex athletes of Giants - I am sure it's respectable and highly paid, but it's not like he is top class surgeon. And Patrick - he is able to pay rent in SF for himself and Agustine, and he basically has same job as Kevin, only on lower level. I do

I wouldn't say Patrick is happy, he is probably unhappiest he ever was on the show. Even his AIDS freak out is basically sublimation of his guilt about the affair.

It's funny, but both Patrick with Kevin and Patrick with Richie have remarkable chemistry, but it's so different. With Richie it's something overwhelming.

I used to think the same, but not so much now. Previous and especially this episode, in my opinion, demonstrated that for Kevin this is more serious than just a work affair. Him being interested in what Patrick's friends think, exposing himself in the office with this dance - he wouldn't do it for just a fling.

Why do you think he doesn't see Patrick as equal? Not arguing, just interested.

I think his neurotic behaviour this episode was manifestation of his guilt and uneasiness with secreted relationship. It really worked for me.

So true about Kevin keeping with Patrick, while Richie's first impulse is leave him. Not that I blame him for that, but still…

I actually feel like conversation between Kevin and Patrick was smoother and much more comfortable than between Patrick and Richie. Because you can feel that Patrick and Kevin are from the same world. They understand each other, their experiences are pretty much similar, their interests are the same. I actually was

OK, why Patrick doesn't know Take That? I certainly knew them when I was young - though at the time I didn't know the difference between british and american bands. They never made it in USA?

Maybe attraction from Agustine, but never from Richie. Maybe to hurt Patrick?

I must say that Jonathan Groff is really underrated. He was basically perfect in this episode, going from romantic to bitchy to ridiculous to annoying to so freaking scared flawlessly.

Well, ratings for this are horrible, and I am already crying about the faith of this beautiful subtle show. Oh, please, please, HBO Gods, keep it on the air for - at least five - more years!

I also don't see Kevind driving for two hours just to be with Patrick out of character. He acted irrationally around Patrick pretty much from the start. Even in his first episode, when he looked through his browser history, then during Folsom, when he left his boyfriend, who just came to town, and came back in the

Kevin is Patrick's boss, and it's the only power he has over him. Emotionally, it's obvious that Patrick has upper hand. You may think that kevin driving for hours just to have sex with Patrick is out of character, but it happened, it's a part of the story and can't be ignored. For a man to drop everything in the

I read it's almost two hours ride. For Kevin to drop everything and just go when Patrick calls - it was a huge risk. I actually wonder what did he said to his boyfriend? Hack attack?

Am I the only person who thinks Patrick is the one who holds the power in relationship with Kevin? Because it's obvious that Kevin was just a afterthought to him, because he can't have Richie. While Kevin - maybe it's because Tovey is playing it that way - seems almost obsessively into Patrick. He even said that