The Czar

That's where the quirk comes in. She looks quirky, but she's actually boring.

Finally, a story about a middle-aged, single female neurotic urban dweller with a tie to publishing! Our long national nightmare is over!

Spreadsheet updated.

This article is a moving tribute to the internet's greatest weakness—mistaking mere smarm for wit.

Which is a surprisingly great town. Beautiful area, too.

Me too. Just one of so many well done episodes on Sesame Street.

Edward Snowden was in Vietnam?

The wit in that video is smaller than the little end of nothing sharpened.

Because he knows if they make this abomination, the terrorists win.

Please put Doom on my printer. That game kicked ass!

I'm trying to work out a theology that explains why Kanye West is popular.

I don't like that "le" can mean just about anything.

Actually, they came pretty close to saying Eis ist mein auto" in France.

They also boo deodorant and bathing.

Well, I've only got 982!

That's actually it in a nutshell.  Excellent work.

No one in Mayberry would have said "pop."  In Mayberry, all cokes are Coke.

You would have thought that The Quick and the Dead and Bad Girls would have buried bad ideas like this one, but I guess not.

You have to put on a thick accent, since there's nothing else about the music that would signify that it's actually country instead of really crappy pop.

I have no doubt that you've been slupring the salami.