The Czar

Those songs did suck, but they weren't as sucky as Arthur's Theme.  Total schmaltz coupled up with Christopher Cross' whimpy voice.

Meat is murder.  Sweet, delicious murder.

I got into hip-hop hoping I could destroy it from the inside.

Sounds like my hometown, too.  In a lot of towns in rural America, something meaningful really has been lost, I think. 

Tarkovskys_former_AD took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm partial to One for the Angels with Ed Wynn in an uncharacteristically serious role when it comes to heartwarming episodes.  Twilight Zone is the best television series ever, IMO.

The whole thing was completely ridiculous.

Worse would be not having access to the whiskey.

Sin City was absolutely ridiculous fanboy bait.  It's hard to imagine how they'll top the unintentional hilarity of Frodo Baggins being a cannibaistic prostitute hunter, or having Bruce Willis pulling a Play-Doh dong off of a yellow Ferengi.Sin City is a mess of a film.


Thought the same thing.  That Vietnam crap is just a nice way to look past the fact that TCSM is really just a cheap gorefest.

Thought the same thing.  That Vietnam crap is just a nice way to look past the fact that TCSM is really just a cheap gorefest.

"2012 was a great year for hip-hop" is pretty much the most depressing thing you can say about music in 2012. 

"2012 was a great year for hip-hop" is pretty much the most depressing thing you can say about music in 2012. 

Steven Tobolowski says screw you.

Steven Tobolowski says screw you.

How we gonna run reform?  We're the damn incumbent!

How we gonna run reform?  We're the damn incumbent!

And of course, why aren't more people who play video games engaging in mass killings.  That's the nice thing about insanity.  It doesn't require internal logical consistency.

And of course, why aren't more people who play video games engaging in mass killings.  That's the nice thing about insanity.  It doesn't require internal logical consistency.