The Czar

No it wasn't.  American civilization was.

Funny you should mention that.  I have prepared a short list for such an eventuality.

The word "ziggurat" just doesn't get enough usage.

The Elephant Man attracted a lot of attention too. 


Nikki Minaj is a talentless human cartoon.

From Genesee down to Revelations.  Yes, the word of God, which, let me say,there's damn good money in during these times of woe and want.  People want answers, and Big Dan sells the only book that's got 'em!

Important, yes.  Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson important?  Not so much.

The ninth circle is reserved for professors that require students to read anything by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

And he does, quite often.  Everything from Oscar-bait like The Artist to incredibly crappy schlock like Species 2.

Instead of a Blade Runner reboot, we need to get a film version of Ubik.

I really hope you lose your virginity someday.

There is a God.  He's just an Ole Miss Rebel rather than a Tennessee Volunteer.  That is all.

Never.  Like fellow stage prop Nicki Minaj, she's a talentless hack mostly "featured" with autotune.  That still netted her a spot in the gayest possible stage version of Cleopatra Meets Alexander.

Another sign that the apocalypse is upon us.

I don't think Jesus paid much thought to the state.  If you believe that people are immortal, then what importance can an incredibly finite governmental arrangement really hold?  Looked at from that perspective, a transitory institution like  "the state" is practically valueless.

I'd wish for unicorns and rainbows, just like the A.V. Club staff.

Anyone have a universal translator or Little Orphan Annie secret decoder ring?

Looks like you'll just have to keep wristing one off to the usual hentai.

You should have bought the Park Hopper Pass.