The Czar

I'm tossing in a vote for the Partially Examined Life philosophy podcast.  These guys have great chemistry and do an excellent job of making some difficult-to-understand philosophers accessible.  If you like philosophy, it's an outstanding podcast.

Too bad about that decapitation, though.

Love the History of Rome.  Glad to see it get a mention in the comments.

Abolutely, pastor.  This used to be one of my favorite podcasts and hated to see it go off.  Glad to hear that there's a chance soemthing like this is going to bet back together again, according to Scott.

I'll not have any pretenders to my throne!

Hate to hear it.  A prayer for you and The Quirk.


Just goes to show you can't have anything nice.

It actually was awesome.  Now it's Bravo for 14 year old girls.

Thanks, ClearChannel!

I hope that she has a breakout performance where she raps really fast, bugs her eyes out, and speaks in a fake British accent, all while wearing an outrageous wig and a weird outfit.

It's a rather silly position to take that we can't praise her helping the suffering of thousands of people in Calcutta just because she had a counterintuitive (I would say wrong) theory about that suffering.

This entire discussion assumes that proof and truth share an ultimate relationship, which of course, they don't.

Because Americans have a nearly in exhaustible appetite for shows about fat, dumb guys married to hot, smart wives who constantly get them out of trouble.

There's bad and then there's epically bad.

Regardless of how homophobic will or won't be, it's going to be the Disco Demolition Night of sitcoms.

I don't like them, but then they weren't made for me to like.

Is there any way this show can't suck?  Saw the commerical for it the other night and wondered "who in the hell would green light this?"

Atheists!  Huzzah!

If God does not exist, objective moral values & duties do not exist.  All you're really left with is this or that group's or person's notions about what they feel is right or wrong.  In that were true, for example, we'd have no moral basis for claiming that setting up concentrations camps and killing millions of