
You better be careful. I heard Game of Thrones cut a dude's whole body off. Just left his dick behind.

Remember when Dexter wasn't terrible? Those were the days.

I see what you did there.

Yeah, that was my point. That was maybe the worst scene this show has ever done (except for Dany outside of the gates of Qarth, maybe).

Hodor. Hodor Hodor.

I would have seen that reference on my own eventually, honest!

Make love in your own hand (with Moon Boy for all I know) twin sister!

What? No Shae glowering at Tyrion when he told Littlefinger he fucked Ros? The writers missed a great chance for drama.

That would be true if it involved anybody other than Pod.

Well, if Luke Skywalker can do it…

What do you expect mother, I'm half machine!

I've never heard that theory before. Is it based on anything or is it just a few fans hoping that it's the case?

"You bastard."