so true… brian was great from the beginning - great at making you feel
so true… brian was great from the beginning - great at making you feel
I could put a lot more Beach Boys songs in here as perfect: wouldn't it be nice, god only know, in my room, til i die, surf's up, heroes and villains, wonderful, please let me wonder….
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Mad Men
Sorry needed to add
Cheers entire run
City Lights by Charlie Chaplin
Star Wars
Cries and Whispers by Ingmar Bergman
Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
Ulysses By James Joyce
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald
Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely by Frank Sinatra
David/ Sistine Chapel by Michaelangelo
Beyond Good and Evil by Freidrich Nietzsche
Side 2 Abbey Road The Beatles
A clean Well Lighted Place by Ernest Hemingway
I couldn't agree more
i couldn't agree more. he was ALWAYS well intentioned. and very vulnerable. there was a lot of hurt and anger buried beneath his persona - from not being liked and from his tastes in things - that is why he holds on to his pretensions so much. it makes sense. but he is a decent guy and a romantic at that. and one…
they were hugging by now!
I hear its your busy time of year
the sweet hereafter, affliction and trailer park by russell banks so far and about to start john salter
which is a damn shame - cheers is like in my top five ever
My favorite episode is when Frasier has to pretend he is jewish for his girlffriend. He hides his Christmas decorations, etc. He tells Niles he has to act jewish and Niles says it is no problem and then opens the oven and says, "Ooo ham." The whole episode is like that. Hilarious.
I just don't like Chappelle. He always gets mad at the audience when they take their camera phones out. Who does he think he is? I mean you're famour or a famour recluse - you can't be both… entitled rich people annoy the hell out of me… talented or not
I thinkt the Cheers comparison is way off. JohnJohn is right - on Cheers the characters changed and grew and made mistakes and reflected on things while still being hilarious. Modern Family already felt tired by its second season. Imagine how amazing Cheers is when you think that it added characters, lost characters…
A few things
1) They have never known what to do with Andy after a season or two. Tonight for example every line he had that was funny was only funny because it was written for Michael. IMO.
2) I think Jim should have become the manager after Michael left. This would have fit in with how he felt about Dunder Miffiln…
thank god
When Brian Wilson stops writing your songs
I agree. I am a novelist - with one published and one self-published novel to my name (David Haight) and there is no money in it. Of course that's not why I do it at all. And it was never my motivation. People don't flock to buy literary fiction. You have to do it because you love it- because you have to do it….
I think this show is probably not only the best representation of "blue-collar" living there ever has been on telelvision but of a happy, great marriage and family. I am blown away at how great the family and Roseanne and Dan'd characters/marraige are drawn
This album is really great and I agree with some comments here that Elton is very underrated. His 70's albums are VERY good.