Eric Johnson

Yeah, this was easily one of the best performances of the night (I also enjoyed the "Thriller" / "Heads Will Roll" mashup), but it was absolutely frustrating that it lacked any context or relevance. If it had at least one of those I would have felt better about it; as it is it just felt like an "Oh no! We forgot

I think the extended JCS homage would only work if "Glee" were a simply a musical version of "Community."

I know I'm coming to this very late…
But how has no one made a 24 joke? Is it really a coincidence that the one big Michael Massee episode would have him compromising Benford and sending him on a crazy chase just like Ira Gaines did to Jack Bauer in the first season of 24? They even used a countdown clock to add

I was enjoying the Mercedes plot…
…until the scene with Quinn in the nurse's office. My girlfriend was getting misty-eyed and all I could do was shrug and comment that "it seems a bit overwrought for a B-plot." I would have liked it to be a bit more drawn out and/or less after-school special, but I guess that's not