Born Toulouse-Lautrec

Pill?  No, it's a suppository and on the tip of my boot.

Call it what you will.  Dated?  I call it corny. The dialogue is overly stylized and could have been written by a ten year old.  It was surpassed by his subsequent films but now, reservoir clogs on it's own feels like a homemade movie.

Call it what you will.  Dated?  I call it corny. The dialogue is overly stylized and could have been written by a ten year old.  It was surpassed by his subsequent films but now, reservoir clogs on it's own feels like a homemade movie.

They were wonderful, like a mouthful of ashes.

They were wonderful, like a mouthful of ashes.



Shit, that reminds me, I've got a weekend furlough coming up!  F*** yeah!  If anyone needs me I'll be relaxing by the pool in nothing but my swim trunks and ankle monitor, pounding the O'Douls and hanging out with the dog.

Shit, that reminds me, I've got a weekend furlough coming up!  F*** yeah!  If anyone needs me I'll be relaxing by the pool in nothing but my swim trunks and ankle monitor, pounding the O'Douls and hanging out with the dog.

180% of the American population is morbidly obese and you're helping Nabisco and these other death-by-food corporations peddle their food-crack?  This is unconscionable.

180% of the American population is morbidly obese and you're helping Nabisco and these other death-by-food corporations peddle their food-crack?  This is unconscionable.

Hmmm… the flavor of chemicals…

Hmmm… the flavor of chemicals…

I watched Reservoir Dogs a few months ago and while it may be an important movie, it isn't a good movie.  Maybe it's the removal from 1992, but all that dialog sounds corny and fake.  And the hearse and the coffins were so heavy-handed it's laughable.

I watched Reservoir Dogs a few months ago and while it may be an important movie, it isn't a good movie.  Maybe it's the removal from 1992, but all that dialog sounds corny and fake.  And the hearse and the coffins were so heavy-handed it's laughable.

Well, the first time it was used in print it was attributed to Voltaire.

Well, the first time it was used in print it was attributed to Voltaire.

Shit, what's the big deal?  I could do that.

Shit, what's the big deal?  I could do that.

Of course he can do whatever the hell he wants, but for the record I quite liked his novels Rules of Attraction and American Psycho.  It would be nice if he returned to that medium.