Mr. Prig

wow, cookie monster gets catty.

My hope
is that it's about a deadhead's long journey across America, hitch hiking of course, and accompanied only by his mandolin

The only thing I remember from this film is handcuffs, ( like how they're used twice in this picture) and it reflects the tone shift of the film.

I'm no fan of either Crowe or Roth, but I fail to see how criticism against circumcision is anti-Semantic, even with the "funny hat" comment.

I'll get in line to dump on Mannerheim.

I think Sacco's bias might be that he is presenting a perspective that is otherwise ignored in this country.
Is their such a thing as an "objective" media? Are his books less objective than more mainstream reporting?
No and no.

The interview kind of glossed over Yahoo, (a comic book, not website). While maybe not as accomplished as his later work, they're pretty fantastic and worth picking up.

When Palestine first came out I was working in a shop next to a corner market owned by Palestinian ex-pats. These guys, who had never before cracked a comic book as far as I knew, loved the book. They had never seen their perspective in the American media before, not even once.
Hell Yes Sacco.

Fuck, I'm not even going to try to expain what happened there.
I'm doomed.

Sacco's the best
Hell yes, Sacco-
Back in the 90's when comix fell into a morass of auto-bios, consisting of domestic arguments and cafe interludes, Sacco really stood out.
His band tour story was great, (be sure to do an image search of the band to understand Sacco's brilliance) and his accounts of conflict are both

Sacco's the best
Hell yes, Sacco-
Back in the 90's when comix fell into a morass of auto-bios, consisting of domestic arguments and cafe interludes, Sacco really stood out.
His band tour story was great, (be sure to do an image search of the band to understand Sacco's brilliance) and his accounts of conflict are both

Crush, Kill, Destroy.

I always liked THX1138. I saw it recently and, no surprise, he went and bulloxed that one up as well. It has a CGI robotic masterbater apparatus thingy in it now, if you're into that sort of thing.

Tobacco smoke smells worse. I've got some growing in the backyard right now and even alive the plant smells like bug spray.

Love Kills, hooo-boy that one stank on ice.

I think a big part of military budget, like 60%, goes towards pensions of those who served in the military. The contractor expense gets over stated, but I could be wrong about that. I think a strong American military is a good thing to have.
My issue is that if you don't tax your industry to pay for your nation's

Everybody loves gangs: Guns, fast cars, the outlaw thing. From Blackbeard to Tony Montana, stickin' it to the man.

Ugh, I usually stay away from the partisan shit, but really Lobsters, look at the economic history for the last half dozen administrations:
Carter left the country in a minor depression with a small deficit.
Reagan and Bush 1 left the country in a worse economic slump and a huge deficit.
Clinton had a a pretty good

You can't swing a dead cat in these threads w/out hitting an asshole.

Education and Empathy, the twin pillars of fascism.