
Five fingers! Eww, freakshow!

I don't think a fat suit or trickery would work for The Judge. Just like it wouldn't work for Ignatius in an A Confederacy of Dunces movie.

I'd say the look at least is 100% inspired. I heard an interview with Jody Hill and he said they studied old Ric Flair videos on YouTube while they were writing and designing the character.

Ferrell made me laugh, but I agree his over the top act takes you out of the realism of the rest of the show.

It was definitely an improv. If you watch the "Behind the scenes" making of special, they show them filming that scene and Robinson and McBride are losing their shit, and even Ferrell starts cracking up.

speaking of daniel waters
Once upon a time he wrote a "Catwoman" script as a follow up to his work on "Batman Returns." I remember reading parts of it on the internet (doubt it's still up, but it might be). It put Selina Kyle in some weird fake city that I think was a resort in the middle of the desert in Nevada. I

Yeah, what's with her being a bitch? Did she really think Clueless (although a great movie) gave her all this clout to where she could be such a diva (and a plump one at that)? Bizarre.

It was to be called "Batman: Triumphant". I remember reading about it in one of those old movie magazines that had always had a huge list of In Development and Upcoming projects. Joel Schumacher would talk it up any chance he got, but no one ever listened or took him seriously. Interestingly though, he did

the second biggest disappointment of my young life
The first being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III. Between that movie and Batman & Robin, my 13 year old self had given up on comic book movies ever being good, if they were ever even going to be made at all. I remember being excited about the fucking Roger Corman

Good call cobra
It's easy to forget that Murray did a lot of crap between Groundhog Day and Rushmore…Larger Than Life, The Man Who Knew Too Little, etc. While Anderson wasn't the first to recognize Murray's ability to be both hilarious and incredibly sad at the same time (sometimes within one expression), he

Does anyone here read magazines? AV Club is an online entertainment magazine. Every entertainment magazine centers its stories around upcoming movies/films/books/video games/whatever. AV Club is no different. It doesn't make them studio shills, it just makes them a magazine. Do we really have to go through

best movie on the list
And the best movie on the list by far is The Squid & The Whale. By far the only one that can stand up next to Anderson's own work (and maybe even surpass it).

the new tim burton
I think what this boils down to is that Anderson is more or less the new Tim Burton. Stupid people think that the superficial elements of his movies (music, production design, costumes) is what makes them great. Soon enough big Hollywood productions will be ripping off Anderson's production and

If you're not familiar with SST you should read "Our Band Could Be Your Life" by Michael Azzerad. Great rundown of '80s indie scene and deals a lot with SST and the bands on the label.

Music Dork
If you read the liner notes to Rushmore, Anderson had initially planned on making the soundtrack all Kinks songs but opted instead for an all British Invasion soundtrack (save for a couple of French tunes). Just some food for thought.

Anderson has often cited Polanski's film, particularly Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby, as being huge influences on his visual style — namely his heavy use of wide angle lenses.

Sucks he couldn't reveal who his characters are based on. I'm not a big gossip person, but that kind of stuff is always intriguing.

gary oldman
The scenes with him as the crusty old dude with "queer hair" (Homer Simpson's words, not mine) are just plain amazing. The in camera and lighting effects used in those parts in particular are infinitely more impressive than any CGI I've ever seen.

Dr. Ken Noisewater
Someone didn't read the whole interview!

Rogen's was half-satire half serious, because people were seriously questioning him about the "right wing values" of his movies.
And now that you mention it, I see that cassette's post was satire, but Jesus there are some crazies on this board, and he was way too good at that.