
seth rogen already talked about the "right wing aspect"
No one is saying anything new. Seth Rogen already told Time magazine "We make extremely right wing movies with extremely filthy dialogue."

If a 30 second commercial spot of Sam Beam playing a Postal Service song ruins Iron & Wine for you, that's (to quote Robert Downey Sr. in Boogie Nights) a YP — your problem. It sure as hell ain't Sam's. And I'm pretty sure however many fans he loses for licensing a song is negligible as he gains

I don't think he's justifying it; that would imply that he cares what people think about him, and he doesn't seem to. I don't think he went into being a musician with any preformed ideas about artistic integrity or whatever. He was a film professor whose hobby happened to take off. Sam Beam came into being

Lucifer's Beard
Took me a while to understand your post. I'm not saying anything about community colleges other than they're cheaper than a four year university. Sam Beam (and most parents) would probably love to be able to make enough money to send his kids to the college of their choice. It would be a little

who cares
Like he said, "it's on a record." Anyone trying to convince you they're not trying to make money off their music is lying. Everyone is making money, whether it's just enough to get by, whether it's enough to be comfortable (as it seems to be in Beam's case), or whether it's ridiculous sums. They're all

No Country & Coens
Seems like it'd be closer in tone to Blood Simple, if I had to guess. And having read the book I'd say that's probably the case.