
I was pretty transfixed throughout Barry Lyndon. It was the exact opposite of 2001. Every little thing explained to the tiniest minute detail, even if it just happened on screen, but it is always interesting nonetheless. You should watch them back to back to get a true grasp of Kubrick's range in just these two

Built to Spill
Heard them live the first time. Thought they were typical and loud; all in all a bit inane. Now, I can't help but rock out to all of their albums, some of the best stuff I've ever heard.

Exact opposite for The Beach Boys and myself. Dug 'em the very first time I heard them. I listened to Cocomo to death as a youth, and now I find them a bit dull. The seven year old inside me is crying for that last statement.
I can still groove to Good Vibrations though. A classic is a classic no matter how many

It's gotta be Ghost Dog for me. I still can't explain why I like it so much, but it gives Jarmusch a pass in my book even though I've been bored to tears in a few of his movies.

I almost had Riff Randell's approval? Darn you to heck The Movie Fan. Darn you mostly straight to heck!

I was excited about the movie until I saw the B+. Based on that I chose not to read the review. If it's not as good as Crank2: High Voltage, what's the point?

now kick it up to full steam.

I think you have proved my point about the cult status of Lebowski. A cult ceases to be a cult when it reaches the mainstream and becomes a religion. Lebowski is big enough to be part of the new religion canon, just as scientology can now be considered a religion, even if they don't get the tax breaks and are

Yeah, but can you really count Lebowski as new cult canon. Considering everyone I consider a worthy piece of flesh has already seen it, and those I consider beneficial to mankind think it's good, it's undeserving of cult status.

I don't get all the venom being issued upon Chico here, unless you are all taking your rage of disappointment from the Watchmen movie out on a supporter, which is more than a little sad. It was a remarkable achievement compared to everything else that came out this year even if it wasn't as awesome as it could have