
He's not working for Fox if it isn't money up front, or a private look at Roger Ailes' 'special' videos….

Or the 7 year old who wrote Furious 8. Or the ultrasound who did the first draft of Furious 9.

Don't say things like that! Won't be able to sleep now, thinking of that, even willing to put up with the inevitable Simon Pegg / Nick Frost cameo if that's what it takes to bring it into existence….

They're gonna need another overpaid tool……

We did that once after leaving a takeaway, leaving a milkshake on the roof, so when we hit the brakes fifty metres up the road it tipped up and ran down the windscreen….

There was also that appalling Alex Cross….. You had to be bloody quick to catch that at the cinema….

A huge shame, a tremendously talented and vivid artist and, as you say, a man who knew his way around a knob joke. RIP Mr. Dillon.
Incidentally, for those interested in 2000AD and the whole 'British Invasion' thing there is a fascinating and often very funny documentary, Future Shock! The Story Of 2000AD, which deals

Not to mention Minder On The Orient Express, but I doubt that got shown in the US.

“What would be the worst place in Chicago for you to be trapped with a demon?”
AV Club offices….


Just to say wrongsideoftheart.com is a fantastic website. Only being updated sporadically these days but very worth a visit,

The Italian and German are pretty good as well.

For added enjoyment wear headphones, preferably full over-ear ones. Really makes a difference.

I'll think you'll find he is, despite his liking for drag.

Fuck off Tyler.

I think they only get released in the US. He's virtually unknown in Europe and in the UK they tried with Madea's Family Reunion and For Coloured Girls.., both of which died. None except those are available on DVD, although I did see several prominently in the window of a Christian bookshop, but looking closer saw they

No, no, no. Donald Trump replaced Martin Lawrence. Ever seen his stand up? 'White guys grab pussies like this, but black guys like me grab pussies like this!' Going to be great seeing him in the Bad Boys sequel with Will Smith.