
Now clap your hands everybody
And everybody clap your hands….


Met Jim Kelly and Comic-Con this year and had him sign a pic we took with "Batman Motherfucker"…I think he forgot all about that line, it was fantastic!

Big yellow joint, big yellow joint, I'll meet you down by the big yellow joint!

I was wondering when someone would bring Kevin Smith up in this context. I love his podcast/podcast network but haven't enjoyed any of his movies since Dogma. Its interesting regarding the amount of disclosure he puts out in the podcasts and how candid he is regarding certain issues. Its a shame his recent output of

How'd you like to have your crotch set on fire?

Mr. Reynolds rocks the toupe and the merkin thank you very much.

I thought the laughter came from some employee enjoying the fact that people were "excited" that Rollins was there…more of the "been there, done that" attitude.

Those aren't pillows!!!!

I've got to go with Tom Waits, er, I mean Rowlf. Something Better Comes Along gets better with each listen.

R.I.P. King Gorilla

I like the pole and the hole, and right now I'm as moist as a snack cake.

I thought the dog in Dead Alive gave a realistic performance, especially when being pulled from Lionel's mum's mouth…too many apostrophes

Its just so bad

The main thing Singles had going for it was an appearance by Xavier McDaniel…enough said