Shame Spear of Hurt

Seriously, the second time he said that I had to scroll up and see who the hell was reviewing this. Just awful.

Samaritan Girl is severely under appreciated imo, I almost never see it mentioned but it kept me engrossed the entire way though. I liked SSFWaS, 3-Iron and Time were both pretty good as well. I didn't like Pieta and Bad Guy was shit until it was hilarious and awesome but then it was shit again. Haven't watched a

Yup just saw it and thought the same thing. WAY TO BURY THE LEDE AV CLUB.

I liked all of Kevin's music up through Brother's Blood, but I hated Between the Concrete and Clouds. Has anyone heard his two latest? I'm wondering if they are worth listening to or am I just going to be disappointed again?

I don't know, the only thing that seemed out of character to me was Dee not letting go of the mouse trap. My guess though is that she was legitimately stuck at first, then they huffed gasoline all afternoon so when they tried it (remember they told Frank they tried using the gasoline to dissolve the glue) she was too

Same.  They got me at the end of last week's episode but I got teary eyed again at the strip club and also when Jenna and Tracy were saying goodbye and he told her he was going out to buy cigarettes and that he would be back in 15 minutes.

Well you should probably watch his best movie before you judge him: A Bittersweet Life.  Gangster film, no idea why it hasn't been mentioned by this reviewer or several others that have mentioned the director's previous works but I can think of few Korean films that were more slick and stylish.  I agree with you that

No it is not.

You need to go watch the Korean film Thirst so you can update that top 5 list.

After reading these three, read Night Watch (do not read Night Watch first, but definitely read it).

After reading these three, read Night Watch (do not read Night Watch first, but definitely read it).

Please god give me this one thing.

Please god give me this one thing.

How hard would it be to put a generic title up that indicated that this newswire was related to a AD cast announcement without spoiling it for everyone on the front fucking page?  That way we can decide ourselves whether or not we want to know.

How hard would it be to put a generic title up that indicated that this newswire was related to a AD cast announcement without spoiling it for everyone on the front fucking page?  That way we can decide ourselves whether or not we want to know.

@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus Whoever told you that is wrong.  A Bittersweet Life is a sleek, stylish, action movie.  The Sopranos is a more gritty, realistic drama.  Expect monologues and family drama (both "families") and the action, when it comes, is more grounded and less choreographed.  The high

@avclub-620982009915db2a0b4a49e224bad30c:disqus Whoever told you that is wrong.  A Bittersweet Life is a sleek, stylish, action movie.  The Sopranos is a more gritty, realistic drama.  Expect monologues and family drama (both "families") and the action, when it comes, is more grounded and less choreographed.  The high

Did it surprise anyone else to learn that Ken Jeong is a fucking doctor??  I was skeptical and thinking that his Wikipedia page was a joke until I started clicking the links.