The Ghost of Eazy E

Gabba gabba we accept you one of us

They want to take our history!

My mother-in-law was visiting last week and I had to work all week. So, I rent a car so my wife can drive ours. They want to go to see The Star Trek Exhibit at MoPop and Pike Place Market. I suggest they park and take the train. My wife insists on driving and parking near Pike Place. She got in an accident that's just

What took you so long?

I think her name is Ivanka

Mountain? Now, you're just making things up


Leonard Pierce just wrote that Kinja has been an unmitigated success

Dave Moss: You're fucked, Rick. Are you fucking nuts? You're hot, so you think you're the ruler of this place.
Shelley Levene: Now wait a minute, Dave.
Dave Moss: Shut up!
Shelley Levene: Okay…
Dave Moss: You want to decide who should be dealt with how, is that it? I come in the fucking office today, I get humiliated by

You missed Y2K?

Still nothing, huh? Is Central Time something Trump made up?

Featuring: Suzanne Pleshette

So what the fuck is Central Time?


Star wipe to black

Star wipe to black

This whole Kinja thing reminds me of the time I saw a fella strip off all his clothes and jump in a mess of cactus. They asked him why and he said, "Seemed like a good idea at the time."

This whole Kinja thing reminds me of the time I saw a fella strip off all his clothes and jump in a mess of cactus. They asked him why and he said, "Seemed like a good idea at the time."

Not working on the book he ought to have finished already
