The Ghost of Eazy E

CNN needs to just turn full heel on him and openly mock him with funny captions

My daughter's on a shepherd's pie and chowder kick

It was actively good instead of being just there

I miss Rabin's Direct-to-DVD column

"Oh, good. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble."
Butch Cassidy

"Oh, good. For a moment there I thought we were in trouble."
Butch Cassidy

I hate Teti with the white hot passion of a thousand suns due to his Pats homerism

That can't be true. Next, you'll tell me The First Lady's cause is laughably hypocritical.

They did a really good Swedish meatball and a shockingly good shepherd's pie.

Please don't ruin Magary for me. It's almost all I have left on-line

Guys, I'm scared. I was watching The President speak this morning and he clearly said CNN turned off its camera, but my video kept playing. Is my computer haunted?

Why have Americans stopped eating Kinja Tech?

Went to The Odin Brewery in Tukwila recently. Very good beer, but the food was even better.

I was making fun of them for being old and out of touch

What sort of cuisine would you serve?

Of course, if your balls are smaller than thumbs, you're a race traitor commie antifa cuck

How bout Dickface and Asshat?

Ivred works better

Went to orientation last week and it feels great to actually have people value you as a professional

A true alpha would just twiddle his manly thumbs rather than use a libtard cuck invention