The Ghost of Eazy E

Gonna be posting a lot less for a while if it works out as I start a new job that meas substantially more work. Hopefully, we're still here in a few hours

Can I at least get a Gladius sequel? Disney has deep pockets

Good one


And Nikki Haley and Ramesh Ponururu and Dinesh D' Souza

You are the best. If I were to run into you in the world, I'd gladly buy you coffee or a beer, depending upon the time of day. Thanks

They're analog bullets, so you can feel the warm tones

Staten Island is the evil borough, so…

How has there not been a sequel to Freedom Fighters?

How I feel now:


If I don't see you again, "There's always work at The Post Office." Thanks, my friend and we've seen worse, so don't let this shit get you down


Peace out.

I'll miss our co-operative grumping HRG

Right back at you.

Be safe and be you, old buddy

I like "A Grand Don't Come for Free," so sue me