The Ghost of Eazy E

Not as hot as Helen Hunt
Much hotter than anyone else on Friends

Could be worse. Could be Sam The Butcher

I like to think if there's a Heaven, we'll all be there grumpily or snarkily criticizing God

It depends on what way the buttered bread falls

Nice deep cut

That'll be awkward

Thanks and always loved seeing your name in my replies column. You are a funny motherfucker and this sucks more because I just moved and am losing my AVC buddies as well as my IRL buddies. Enjoy the time with the kids.

Look, let's agree that most of Texas is Hell on Earth as we'll agree "Potvin sucks."

Look I'm in Seattle-Tacoma now, so it's Ballard or bust. Every time we bantered reminded me of the days of being 23 and sitting on the couch we bought at Goodwill and watching whatever was on TV. I mean that in the best way possible

Well, just finished putting the kids to bed and playing some Witcher 3. I'm gonna try, and likely fail, to stick it out because I'm an asshole who hates authority on principle, but everyone who is gone will be missed. What we had here was amazing, fun, and special. We'll all find other places to be, hopefully, but

Nicely done. I'd like to thin we'll see each other in some other, better place

That shitty film The Visit got good reviews as well, made it through 15 minutes

Farewell. I'll miss you a lot. Be safe and be well

Here's the picture for African-Americans:

<e too="">

Be safe

So, which Asians will they allow to become "white-ish?" I'm guessing Hindu Indians as they did some major outreach in NJ and found lots of receptive Hindu Indians

Except for
you guessed it, Frank Stallone

Why did AMericans stop eating Margaret Cho?

Or Mickey Rooney from Breakfast at Tiffanys