The Ghost of Eazy E

Close, Frito Bandito

I'm honestly shocked it wasn't Charlie Chan.

You're obviously using the site wrong

I'm gonna try it

The Billy Corrigan thread is that way

"Nobody throws me my own guns and says run. Nobody"

Uh, may the force be uh with you

I think it may have been

Dear AVClub Overlords:
Can you get one of your flunky interns to give us a stats breakdown of everyone with over 25000 comments? I want to see who has the highest VARC and Upvote/Comment ratio. We need advanced statistics

Why did Americans stop eating Billy Joel?

No one is reining in Simmons. He's free to suggest annoying shit like, "Let's just write about The Pats this week" and :More Game of Thrones."

Sorry to see an end to this, if it is the end. You made me smile a lot

I got it, Slate.

The Ringer?

He's no Bruce Springsteen, but he seems fine.

Nah, he has them on the original Nein Track



