The Ghost of Eazy E

Every school is like that. My co-workers are fucking moochers. I've seen them line up for leftovers from a track dinner.

The modern version of Naked Jenny Agutter

No way Okada signs with The WWE

No, that was a re-make of Parts: The Clonus Horror

I'm still waiting for a new version of Logan's Run

Why don't they know their boss' email address?

You mean Black Samurai without Jim Kelly

That does make a lot of sense given their experiences and the world they came up in

Just walk away and we'll give you safe passage through the wasteland. Leave the canceraids and walk away.

While we were packing to move, I found a pair I bought at Ninja World. I smuggled them out here in my tool box. One day, my daughter will avenge my death with them

Starring….you guessed it, Frank Stallone

I downloaded it and we'll give it a run

Exceptions to the rule. If look at voting trends, as white folks get older they get more conservative


No one around now can be as badass as Jim Kelly

Hell, I'd give her Peak Gallagher Money

That's confounding

If this is the end, may you all get Canceraids
of cock

If this is the end, I'm gonna miss you.

My dad has become a hardcore conspiracy loon. Not Alex Jones, but he's pretty sure Obama was a plant to destroy The Left.