Job's over. When do you get paid?
Job's over. When do you get paid?
Job's over. When do you get paid?
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you don't like Barracuda, then you just don't like rock and roll.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you don't like Barracuda, then you just don't like rock and roll.
You are misinformed, good sir. In a moment of crisis, which would you prefer?
You are misinformed, good sir. In a moment of crisis, which would you prefer?
Neither are Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, or Little Richard, and yet they're in the Hall. In fact, looking at the list, there are quite a few inductees that are neither rock bands, nor bands of any sort. They're individuals.
Neither are Chuck Berry, Ray Charles, or Little Richard, and yet they're in the Hall. In fact, looking at the list, there are quite a few inductees that are neither rock bands, nor bands of any sort. They're individuals.
Yeah, I liked Benoit better as a face. What of it?
Yeah, I liked Benoit better as a face. What of it?
All it would cost is the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. Memetic mutation's never been quite so affordable!
All it would cost is the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. Memetic mutation's never been quite so affordable!
@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus The correct reply to that comment was, simply, "ROCK!"
@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus The correct reply to that comment was, simply, "ROCK!"
Still better than Superman's post-Doomsday +1 Mullet of Resurrection.
Still better than Superman's post-Doomsday +1 Mullet of Resurrection.
@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus If that's how you feel about Barry Bonds, what's your opinion of Pete Rose? They were both greats of a near-transcendent level, they both broke the rules, do both deserve the HoF? Will either make it in?
@avclub-d892cfee412f049ca3da7ada13bcf9ff:disqus If that's how you feel about Barry Bonds, what's your opinion of Pete Rose? They were both greats of a near-transcendent level, they both broke the rules, do both deserve the HoF? Will either make it in?
Don't forget the juggernaut that was Randall Cunni-oops, I mean QB Eagles.
Don't forget the juggernaut that was Randall Cunni-oops, I mean QB Eagles.