Damn Kids...Get Off My Lawn

Her first name isn't baby, it's Nicole—

Her first name isn't baby, it's Nicole—


"Hey bitch—your show is awesome!"

Zooey's Tomato Soup will be more on the order of $45 dollars, as I am sure she orders it with extra unicorn testicles (where dreams come from!) and polka-dot smilemoons!

"Hotspacho" is a far worse crime….

What do you mean, You People?

"…would have had 2 pay royalties 2 Prince."

Yes. They run into him when Batman saves Quahog.

I don't
tune in often (thankfully, after last night's terrible, terrible episode), but
I am enough of an asshole to log in here and comment on their central conceit:
the ongoing money counter at the end. Isn't that supposed to tell us where they
are with their cash supply? $675 tonight, before and after (IIRC).

Fucking Fantastic.

I think Veena Sud's next TV series should be a laconic, red-herring-packed, never-ending investigation into why the fuck I keep watching  The Killing .

Oldie but a goodie, speaking of "dictate" @Dikachu:disqus :

One Down Three To Go - The Meatmen.

NOTHING matters to the story.

OK…maybe I missed the actual, you know, point of the article. I guess just high-hat doesn't count.


Pay up, Classy!
