Sam's penis (second ending) killed Rosie Larsen. And wrote those crossword puzzles with the spy clues.
Sam's penis (second ending) killed Rosie Larsen. And wrote those crossword puzzles with the spy clues.
I hear there were actually TWO versions of this Newswire….
I couldn't agree more. (Actually, I COULD, because I also live alone and no one can stop me from agreeing more if I damn well please.)
If Veena Sud REALLY wanted to have fun (which , well, CLEARLY she doesn't) and would like to make the Internet explode, she should write the ending we all would prefer: Rosie isn't dead. Rosie is a Cylon angel, and will show up near the end in a pristine shiny Richmond campaign car.
Is all Schandenfreude vicarious? I think it is…but I'll just be over here watching everyone pile on….
wtf is gotye lol
Sounds about right.
Wow. Apparently it is done with a small muscle under his eye which he still has (fading) control of:….
I don't think this makes you a bitch at all.
"You drank too much."
"That's a thing?"
I see what you did there.
Mitch Yost should get back in the game.
One does what one can in the office.
They got the shapely bods
They got the Steely Dan T-shirt
And for the coup-de-gras
They're outrageous
In fact, let me help:…
I like them all. I really like to get Citizen Dan (the box set of the first 6 records) and play it beginning to end to feel the growth and change. The later records don't fit—not that there isn;t some great stuff there as well.
She'd be 66 by the timeline (she was 14 in 1960 when she was "kidnapped" by Juice).
Couple things: