Damn Kids...Get Off My Lawn

"Get in that washroom and clean up the fucking blood from that cocksucker's leg wound."


Yes, but was it served in a Pimp Cup?

Holy fuckity fuck take a look at some of the upcoming episode titles:

I like to judge a literary series by its 5th cover myself.


Yes to the Sarah Jones love.

Oh, come on boys! It's Leon Rippy fer crissakes! He's pretty recognizable.

I believe the informed mild racist prefers "Celestial" these days, Sambo.

I guess now we have to depend on Archer, Burt Reynolds, and Mark Wahlberg to save us for the nasty pirates.

Closer to the new John Wayne you boys….

I dunno Butchie instead.

Time Warner STILL won't settle with the NFL Network, however. Sure, most of the games on NFLN are crap, but I am an American and I want my crap!



Tell us more of these analogue pulp-based e-readers! I must assume they have amazing battery life!

Too true—there's lots of hot ghost-on-human (or ARE they?!?!?!) action going on in Murder/Rape House. There could be 2 anti-christs, and an anti-anti-christ for good measure. But of course they'll be trapped in the house forever and ever! And then the world will blah blah blah.

You know, LeRoy COULD be Inspector Spacetime.

"Camenjello" had its moments, notably (from addled/failing memory):

AND—the character of "Dolly" was played by an actress named…wait for it…INDIGO. OK…it's close…