
"If you don't like what people are saying, change the Wikipedia article." -Benjamin Franklin

Great spec, kid, love what you did with those pages. So we've got your card, you've got a phone, we'll talk when we talk.

@avclub-841722355e8015bfff4b8345d8b9722c:disqus Needs moar lampreys.

The most fitting punishment is a sixth book where every POV is Daario Naharis, Aeron Greyjoy, or Penny. Also, every third sentence should be one of the following:
-Where do whores go?
-She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know.
-Words are wind.
-[Any sentence about nipples on a

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus Frank Herbert's ashes are rolling in their grave.

No, no, Mad Men isn't the CNBC one where the bearded guy yells a lot about stock, it's the AMC the one with the '60s ad men. Common mistake.

@avclub-1fcf31aafbfce2375f45f315a5628117:disqus Thought you were more of an Alex Mack/Bianca Stratford type of guy.

Oh, oh wait, while you're there can you get some Brylcreem, tooth powder, a pack of Luckies, and some aspirin?

At least post the damn D&D. Guess I'll have to rely solely on Nerd Poker for my comedians playing pen and paper RPGs fix this week.

@avclub-d980b15d49101608dc407770f35b1d75:disqus GUT REACTION

His axe took her in the back of the head.

"And who are you, girl?"

Harmontown. Nerd Poker. Full stop.

Christina Hendricks can also be seen on the Lifetime Movie classic, Hunger Point.

@avclub-8b14f79688c0146367914b8240be4128:disqus (Democrats read version A of this comment, Whigs read version B, and Anti-Masonic Party members, if any, read version C instead.)

I call shenanigans. This is a negotiation tactic against some other showrunner until Dan Harmon actually signs.

He's said on Harmontown that he hasn't seen a single episode of Season 4 because it'd be too painful to watch.

Here's Another Report Saying Dan Angie Harmon Could Come Back to Community

I got a Community notification for this?!

Have the decency to address beloved Swag Onion, kitten enthusiast, and very occasional podcaster @avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus by name!