
So much better than Disturbed's Sound of Silence.

Can't wait for this, I love STRFKR!

KISS is a lousy band. If you listened to their entire catalogue you would find less than one LP's worth of decent tunes. There, I said it.

Am I crazy or is Bush's "Swallowed" actually a pretty good song?

Also, the pregnant man was just a Junior cutout.

Yes, please watch that song right away

Everyone watch the King of Comedy.

Pretend you live in a world where the Bieber camp really wanted you to wear this shirt. How much would they have to pay you? For me, probably $1000 an hour.

But seriously, Man of Steel is a boring, shitty movie.

Seriously, why does Hollywood let Zack Snyder do anything?

Don't forget about the heaps of sonic garbage being dumped from the stage

I'm fairly certain Radiohead could release an album of white noise and duck quacking and fans would claim it to be "timeless", "an instant classic."

Uber drivers need to stop talking and leave me alone. I don't even use Uber.

I wish all of Michael Bay's movies were only seen by a handful of people before they were shamefully locked away forever.


You're getting rid of your Black Sabbath collection (all but two of the Ozzy albums are essential) but holding onto 5 Bloc Party albums. I'm purging this series from further reading.

Sincere thanks to you, AV Club, for doing reviews of older movies.

They're similar only because they're both examples of bland, uninspired and sickeningly sweet garbage music.

All of this mysteriousness is little more a marketing ploy to promote their upcoming release. Drop a few cryptic leaflets, cancel some social media accounts, and the whole world talks about it. Talk about cheap publicity.

Your actual douchiness is showing through the douchy character you're hiding behind.