Thom When Titan

My favorite line of the series is in Season Two, when Jesse and Walter are arguing in the RV after being kidnapped by Tuco, and Jesse tells him "I never had a gun pointed in my face before your greedy old ass came along." That was the moment for me when Jesse really evolves from sidekick to independent protagonist,

Hank actually specifically mentions Googling something in his closing speech last week, when he produces Fring's fingerprints.

There is no indication that Gus is receiving information from the DEA. He seems to speak only to Mike. It's possible Mike is receiving information from the DEA, but he hasn't indicated that, either – nothing like "our man says…" or anything of that nature.

Calvin and Hobbes introduced me to the actual word "anthropomorphize," and I always go back to his mom cutting up onions every time I hear/use it. I also occasionally find myself whispering "Tyrannosaurs in F-14s!" and "GRITTINGS" at opportune moments, for reasons I can't really explain.

Sounds like he's got it all figured out.

I have no idea who this girl is but she is fucking fine.

This is a good comment on the specifics of the problems in the escort plot line, which seems like the kind of thing that should have taken the entire season to play out with any kind of accuracy. I don't know jack about computers, but I knew that the ease in which they

Holder is easily the best character on this show, but I guffawed at the line, "It'd be shame if you didn't graduate … because you had to stamp license plates."

How long has Adams been the mayor? Is his record so poor/nonexistent that his entire reelection campaign was based on a project that won't come to fruition for another two years? What the hell has he been doing?