
The rub could be that there was another man present, something she stresses in her letter that they do not have ever.

I really liked this episode. Cherry Cream soda as a French maid was great, loved the bits when Fin and Jake show up and act exceptionally suspicious. I guess the old captain of the Banana Guard was let go after tasting the forbidden flavor earlier this season.

Not as long as Bruce Willis is around, waiting for easy paychecks.

This was a tense, really good episode. Hopefully moving forward the show could focus more on ops like this and less on the soap opera-y stuff from earlier in this season. I also kinda liked how Brody became a compelling character again by the show putting him back into his element: combat. Hopefully this is a suicide

That can be tough. Are your friends the kind that will egg you on to drink?

Has he made time for you and the new baby? That seemed to be part of the rub before, he was skipping out on being at home and with the baby and out with his friend. Personally, that should be the barometer; if he cant find time for you and the baby a second woman is not the best idea but it almost sounds like this is

I really enjoyed Blue is the Warmest Color and would recommend it, if the running time doesnt scare you. And if you're trying to not drink and a party with these friends might interfere with that you might want to see the movie.

She really is fucking fantastic in this. I dont quite get the hate for her either. Her scene on the phone with Heath Ledger at the end of Brokeback Mountain is fucking killer as well, gets me every time I see it.

Kay Howard was a great character; really great detective and always aware and combating that fact that she was a woman in a man's world but constantly proving that she in fact belonged there. Clark Johnson and Yaphet Kotto were great as well. Really through the first five or so season's the cast was phenomenal, the

But Baldwin has used those "polite" slurs before, specifically queen. And when did it become homophobic slurs are mostly polite? You're just as likely to be called a c@cksucking f*ggot as you are a queen/queer/fairy.

You're really splitting short hairs on that one.

But its different when you use it as an insult and he was insulting that person.

No, that thought briefly crossed my mind as well.

Did you see the news the other day that a bunch of armored vehicles from the military, used in Iraq or Afghanistan, are being sold to local police forces? What local criminals need to be apprehended with an armored fucking vehicle?

Yes it would have been. Lockhart is a prick who has no intentions of giving up the directors chair. He would not have stepped away without a public expose and to do so would have burned Mira.

Like most of this season parts of this episode were fantastic and then there were others that were fucking terrible. The good: The Saul Carrie scenes were fantastic as she sizes him up and really buys into his plan (much like Dar Adal earlier in the season) and I really liked the scene at the end. It really put Morgan

B+ for the Saul Carrie scenes and C+ for the rest for an average of B-.

Lots of good stuff this week. Earlier in the week I saw Eyes Without a Face for the first time. Holy shit was that good. That mask is so good at being unnerving. Plus that surgery scene, holy shit is that good, and almost shocking for a black and white film.
Sat: Blue is the Warmest Color. I really liked it and think

But its an odd situation. The huffington post article said that nearly half of **ALL** nominees to ever be nominated that were filibustered have happened under Obama. That is fucking staggering.

I kinda liked Constantine. Its not great, but is a solid action flick. But I was/am not familiar with the source material which might make a difference.