Would we be saying that if it was something other than homophobia? Like if he had an unbelievable rap about how much he didnt like Hispanics? I doubt there would be people saying: just ignore his racism! Listen to his badass flow!
Would we be saying that if it was something other than homophobia? Like if he had an unbelievable rap about how much he didnt like Hispanics? I doubt there would be people saying: just ignore his racism! Listen to his badass flow!
4 has that fantastic opener but gets progressively worse as it goes along. But holy crap was that opener great.
Are we really calling Rob Zombie an auteur now? His 1st remake completely sapped the mystery of the original by giving him a generic shitty abusive trailer trash household and not keeping him the homicidal child of normal suburbia. The latter to me is way scarier.
I would agree with you. 1,3,4 and New Nightmare range from good to great and the 2nd one is so batshit crazy (and homoerotic) that it deserves mention.
Lets hope so. The first one sure deserved one.
Its his eyes. Theres something about the lighting and angle of the shot were you see more of the whites of his eyes that makes him look so fucking creepy.
In no way does Ernest Scared Stupid get made today. Town garbage man builds treehouse in the the woods with a bunch of 4th graders and they start to go missing.
The first couple of child murders in Stephen Kings It, especially Georgie's murder. Tim Curry is so good, and malevolent as the clown.
That one gets me every fucking time.
It may not be the scariest but its pretty good: the first time the kid appears in the Changeling. George C Scott has made his way up to the hidden room to find a tub with the water running. He leans in to turn the water off and then out of nowhere the kid pops up in the tub. Between that and the two scenes with the…
I still contend that Signs is pretty good, despite its terrible ending.
I only vaguely remember seeing that shitstorm of a movie. It is listed on IMBD for him though. Though that production sounds like a nightmare and it isnt a shock the movie turned out to be awful.
I checked out his IMBD and saw that and the dreadful Island of Dr. Moreau and almost nothing else. I may have to check out Hardware though.
So it turns out Dust Devil is on Netflix instant and I took a shot on it last night. You are correct, a very well shot horror movie. Plus Burke is really good in it.
What a great episode last night. Funny as hell, fun and a great wtf turn with the lizard replicants.
I wouldnt say cheer but I liked their trip to Paris. And who doesnt like Ro? The Meadow stuff I do kinda agree with you on though. But that shows pacing and tone is just different than Homeland's.
Trick r Treat is really good. Wasnt there talk of a sequel?
Friday: Gravity. Holy fuck was that intense. I havent seen a movie that intense in the theatre in some time. Bullock was fantastic and it was visually amazing.
Sunday: Caught bits and pieces of both Zodiac and the Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. These were both on tv and I caught pieces of…
Parts of this episode were great. Im really liking the Carrie in the hospital stuff. Its always good to see Martin Donovan, and he was good here as the lawyer. Like Todd, Ive been forgiving of the Dana stuff in the past but tonight was just too fucking much. I dont know if Dexter ruined the kid for me, but the actor…
Did they ever make those new episodes available to buy? With less music videos it might be easier for them to do so. Its such a shame because they turned out to be really funny.