I saw that show as well and it did not do them any favors.
I saw that show as well and it did not do them any favors.
And was fantastic in it.
Great interview, with great responses. I'm kinda glad Dragnet came up. The first 45 mins or so of that is great ( it really falls apart for me when the love interest shows up and they go down the beaten path of kick Friday off the case) and Plummer is great as the villain.
I really liked this episode, much more so than last weeks. I love this secondary arc of Saul selling his soul to lead and maintain the existence of the CIA. Last week it was ordering assassinations and burning Carrie and this week it was cutting Carrie out completely leaving her in the psych ward. The Carrie stuff was…
The Indians? A handful of fans showed up to their playoff game against the Rays in redface.
I loved his small arc as Davey Scatino on the Sopranos. So great as the degenerate gambler who just couldnt stay out.
I thought he was quite likeable and good in Alpha Dog, even if he wasnt the lead or the best part in it.
No, she must have been looking for something else and came across it but let everyone know what she thought about it. I think some people are just angry and find something other to take it out on, especially if they dont understand it.
Two of the three in my office that are like that are women, the one who complained about the black scuba divers association was an older woman. But you are seeing that attitude more these days it seems. Its the same thing with Christians and marriage equality. They kept gay people down forever and now that the playing…
I have two or three older white co workers who will drop a so and so can get away with this but white folks would get crucified and really have to bite my tongue to keep from saying get the fuck over it. For example one came across (I have no idea how) a website for an association of black scuba divers. This lead to a…
There Sonya goes, giving a fuck when its not her turn to give a fuck.
I liked this episode even if it really didnt feel like a finale. Charlotte really has grown as a character this season and it has been great to watch. Early on it seemed as if she was on the show only to have sex: be it with Marco or Ray. She now has agency and has shown the tough streak needed in her line of work.…
Have you suggested that he try online? Like an ok cupid or match? That way he can talk to them and gauge if they are attracted to him w/o the pressure of a bar situation or him being uncomfortable asking out friends.
Playing a cop too.
You might freak them out less by initiating the foot play whilst they are still awake.
I actually liked tonights episode, especially the Brody household stuff (minus the Dana tit pic stuff); it really goes to show the consequences of Brody's actions. Not only was it bad for him, but he was prepared for that, but also bad for his family which I dont think he planned for entirely. Carrie also pays the…
They put out new Arial Americas quite frequently.
I'd go with Frank Pembleton and Kay Howard from Homicide.
I really liked this episode, even if Molly is correct in that it didnt feel like a penultimate episode is supposed to feel like. But there were a few really great, and quietly devastating moments like Marco going everywhere in Gus' jacket (much like Sonya does with her sisters jacket) and the great scene with Linder…
It makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.