
Flash season 2 never happens

When Iris said "kick his ass, Barry" while he was going to race…I knew I couldn't expect a lot from this episode….smh

Well it was pornstache..so yea

I was shipping LIVE….and I didn't even know it

Man this season of shield was pretty good….they even gave the villain a very moving character arc by the end….he just wanted to produce those skull faced weirdos …even the females(haha)
I never liked Lincoln character and was pretty sure he was the one getting axed….but the way they executed it..was brilliant….I

Iris: I mean our doppelgangers are married on earth 2 ….so yeah…OK..I guess.

Episodes till now…you can do this Barry..,Run Barry Run
This episode…. who the hell do you think you are punk?…you are not invincible…
Barry can't catch a breath can he!

Man Wally pulled a Felicity tonight with a car… Good move…black siren was much better than black canary ever was…..although was disappointed to not see metapocalypse in its full glory….Rip Henry Allen?

Actually Damien Darhk is ..Felicity is actually saviour of millions minus 10 thousand.. So.there

Zoom wants to take over the world ….Darhk wants to destroy…I say let these gentlemen sort out themselves!!

"Its not a Halloween costume"….. Grumbles Oliver

This was a good episode….but dammit raising the stakes doesn't mean nuking a city!!!!…I also agree a lot more time should have been spent on the repercussion of that final bombing …I would have preferred a monatage like last week episode alternating between Darhk taking weird dead soul magic…and city and people

I really don't know what to make out of tonight's episode… On One hand it had some great emotional beats and good performances on other hand it looked like an episode of a B horror movie….I guess it was a weird one for me…Alps ENOUGH WITH THE PEP TALK ALREADY….Im pretty sure Jesse n Zoom will give him pep talk before

This is season 4….. apparently you are not!!!!

This was a really good episode….Laurel's death was a blessing in disguise… Also no Island Flashbacks…yeeeeeessss!!!.

Seriously a C? I really enjoyed this episode and I m not a fan of this season….but this was a great fun episode after a long time..looking forward to Jesse and Wally get their speed…I have a feeling this finale is gonna be a good one…I agree with the Iris part…it seems she wants to be with Barry because they are meant

Okay this was going pretty well until that end….we all know this was not finale but seriously anything else would have been a better alternative than Carter loosing his mind if Savage dies….These Hawk people always mess up …other than that this was visually quite good apart from Ray CGI Face….I just hope they finish

Ikr …tommy is the man I loved every way possible….week later….Hey Oliver wanna screw over his grave…

Why do they have to kill every earth 2 person?…can't the doppelgangers have their happily ever after

What are u talking about we got Jessie..we got Zoomlin romance ..