
I thought the reviewer was heavily in favour of Santana's point of view and seemed to hate what Finn did to her in the hallway.

why defend santana? whats wrong with finn? poor review. i suppose you like living through fictional bitches such as santana because you are such a weak person in your own life.

I loved it. You have no taste, todd. santana is a bitch. i don't care if she is a gay, crippled dwarf with cancer and aids. she is still a bitch.

while finn is worried that blaine will take over as male lead for new directions, rory will subtly become the new leader and have a solo in sectionals, and finn will be relegated to background character until he plots his revenge with quinn.


no. i'm just writing that mambo needs to give examples of what 'skilled acting' is so that we can all learn how to be tv snobs.

what is skilled acting? what is a hint of subtext? what is a compelling narrative?

maybe you are the boring one?

Magnum P.I. is the greatest show of all time. Great action, characters, and storylines. Plus it had a great location. So by insulting Magnum, you are insulting the very notion of awesome itself.

maybe the world was sick of pontificating monkeys