
Legacy is a slimeball
He's skeevy. Creepy. And all around obnoxious. I would like it if he would go home. Now.

I looooved Unsolved Mysteries when I was a kid. Scared the crap out of me. Robert Stack didn't help, either- that dude could really play up the creepy factor.

Salem's Lot is definitely King's scariest novel. Vampire shit doesn't usually scare me- but he made it believable. It was the first time I ever read a vamp story and thought, "Holy shit, this could really happen." That's why it was so freakin' scary.

Is a fucking asshole. I place him in the "angry douche" category. Cocky sonuvabitch.

In 10th grade I was forced to read Great Expectations. Hated it. With every fiber of my being. Vowed to never read Charles Dickens again.

Baby food tastes good
That was my favorite line from last night.

Cat Deeley
Because she seems genuinely nice and would be a complete riot after a few glasses of wine. She also seems a little dorky and probably has a secret past life as a band dork or something (just like me!). And even though she is drop-dead freakin' gorgeous she doesn't act like she's drop-dead freakin'

If the clip is showing what we think it's showing then I hope Michael sticks his foot all the way up Dale's ass then unceremoniously kicks him out of the fucking kitchen.

Wingnut- I would only be concerned if you were a music educator and you actually enjoyed that shitshow.

Classical music nerd
So I did Bach's Goldberg variations for the processionals and recessionals, with lots of Brahms, Schubert and Haydn for pre-ceremony music. (Although I really wanted to use Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens as my entry song- it just didn't quite work)

Gahhhhhhh. I hate that song. I used to gig at weddings via a string quartet and the inane brides and grooms would always ask- "Can you play that Canon song!? We really loooooove it." Blech. Puke.

It's real and its sets are being built practically in my backyard. Franklin Park Zoo has been turned into a movie studio.

Ludo's ridiculous
comment that there is no such thing as French street food was particularly annoying. Has he been to Paris lately? Sure, they aren't as ubiquitous as NYC hotdog stands, but you can definitely grab yourself a mighty fine crepe fromage from a number of street cart vendors in the city.

Schlow didn't do a good job representing Schlow. He seemed flustered and a bit out of his element and based on what I saw on the show I wouldn't have ever guessed that his restaurant is pretty darn fantastic. Not the best in Boston, but pretty good.

The Soup should be required watching for every AV Club staff member. I find it astonishing that everyone does not have The Soup on their DVR recording all set up so they can watch it every Sunday morning while recovering from their drunken debauchery the night before.

Oh shit! Shane's! I actually have a necklace my husband bought at Shane's very early on in our relationship. He went to the Arapahoe Road location.

Does Frank Azar still say he'll get you as much as he can, as fast as he can?

If you have a baby and you don't know what to do, Baby Safe Haven can help you choose! Baby!….. Safe Haven! Baby!…………… Safe Haven!

Sklyar is a lying liar!
It clearly runs in the family. One excuse to Marie. Another to Walt.

Me too. Mom let me read Misery, then I found her copy of the Stand… then Needful Things, Carrie, and the scariest book that ever was: Salem's Lot. Didn't much care for The Shining- I think it was too much for my 11 year old brain.