
Agreed.  I loved his work in Season 3.  "The Return" remains one of my favorite episodes because of his performance.  It's sad what his character has become.

I don't think you can separate her from her parents since she grew up in the same house as them.  No, growing up in Georgetown and going to a private school in Potomac do not constitute being "poor."

Heard her on Stern awhile back…she thinks that she grew up poor. In Georgetown…having parents that are a PR exec and venture capitalist…and going to a private school in Maryland.  The world is doomed.

Wow, I'm surprised you didn't include a Nazi reference in there.  I know this may offend your delicate sensibilities but not all white and conservative people are the source of everything that is evil in this country.  I know, shocking.

Let me guess, you also hate Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2 because women get their asses kicked in those movies.

Was this written by you guys or your girlfriends…or by you with your girlfriends hovering over your shoulder while you typed this article?

Jesus, you can't even point out the unattractiveness of a shitty comedian without the Jezebel crowd screaming at you.  I'm sure you also screamed RAPE at the prom commercial.

Military is definitely not a "working class" job once you factor in all the pay and benefits.  And it attracts a higher quality of our citizens than the vast majority of jobs, working class or not.

I know, they really fought so mouth breathers like you could scream "jingoistic" at anything remotely patriotic.  Lighten up, Francis.

Uh, well, they do keep having babies they can't take care of.  Looks like you are the one leading the sheltered life.

Shouldn't you be shouting racist slurs at foreign football players, doing a poor job holding down your alcohol, and/or taking part in a football riot in your bankrupt country?

Way too heavy handed for me.  Oh, look, I captured the traitor who gave it to me up the butt 20 years ago…how convenient!

Yeah, worse than the guys who who bludgeon strippers to death, among too many other things they do throughout the series.  Commence massive eye-rolling.

This was the original post-credits scene instead of the one with Daryl:

This was the original post-credits scene instead of the one with Daryl:

So she is smart enough to catch Bin Laden but stupid enough to burn bridges with all of her co-workers in an email?

Good write-up.  I liked the movie but it seemed like Boal and Bigelow wanted to ram Maya down our throats as some sort of "I am woman, hear me roar" lone wolf who was taking on Bin Laden by herself.  I agree that Boal and Bigelow would have had Maya kick down Bin Laden's door and shoot him herself if it wasn't so

Damnit, no Wyatt Earp?  He was awesome as Ed Masterson.