
Make one with Samurai where you don't have to sneak around. Samurai.

Agreed Red Dead Revolver was bullshit. I don't want to see zombie midgets in a Western. The Lone Ranger for NES was one of my favs.

Mere surmise, sir.

It looked like he could definitely have a collapsed lung from the last bullet he took. I hope they get him to the hospital quick.

This was stated on another thread, but Walt also called Saul while in the RV. Saul then had his secretary call Hank. Hank is going to want to know where that call came from and it should lead him back to Walt…

There's no way that they destroyed the RV at that lot. That didn't even cross my mind. They had to have taken it to another location.

Agreed. The definitely aren't intimidating when they are sharing the same side of the booth. They looked liked they shoulda been sharing a malt. I'm tired of these bozos. Get 'em, Hank.