
I suppose if you're not turned off by the fact that the guy wears suits to casual get-togethers, you're not going to be turned off by him proposing to you with magic. And I knew that proposal was coming the minute I saw the magic box.

I have to imagine Will Schuester has all the musicians' family members tied up somewhere to keep them perpetually in the choir room, ready to back up the glee club. So they probably have no idea what's going on most of the time.  Guitar Guy must have finally cracked under the pressure.

Yeah, the author found some convenient ways for the "innocent" tributes to die without Katniss getting her hands dirty.  I wouldn't agree that it was a cop-out on the big moral dilemma though.  The story isn't just about what happens when you're forced to murder innocent people in order to keep yourself alive, it's

But they have a baby coming and Marshall's in a lower-paying job now, so you would think they would want to be conservative with their money right?  So it makes absolutely no sense for them to sit on a free house, continue paying property tax on it and whatnot, while going back to sinking rent into a Manhattan

"But Lily and Marshall ended up turning some hell of a profit, didn’t they?" I believe they bought the apartment in 2007 and sold it in 2011, so probably, no.

@Fraggins:disqus Bit muggy.  How's Mordor?

In real life I am Rumbleroar, a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a sexy vampire.

I'd do Rich Tanguy.  Cause he's rich, and tan.

Which AV Club commentor wouldya do?  Go!

A six-pack of self-loathing

It says you were a child in the 90's.  Or an adult who watched kid shows.

Shia LaBouef on Even Stevens.  I WIN.

Thank you Piecar, your eloquence is unmatched.  My point was not to bash Lana Del Rey for having an artificial persona; obviously a lot of great performers have personas.  I'm saying that her persona doesn't work for me.  It comes off as being scientifically calculated to appeal to the indie crowd, and when you watch

I call bullshit on the whole "they're making fun of her because she's weird and that's so mean!" thing.  No. She was made fun of because she performed badly, because her persona is contrived and lame, and because her hype is undeserved. 

Okay, so the Academy is objectively stupid a lot of the time.  I just think that  the movies who truly deserve to become classics will become classics, and those who don't deserve it won't regardless of what the Academy says.  We shouldn't care so much about who gets the Oscar, is all I'm saying

Lana Del Rey is the musical equivalent of middlebrow Oscar bait, engineered to make critics like her.  Only imagine the Oscar bait movie played without the score (the best parallel I can think of for her SNL performance), and it turns out Meryl Streep is actually a robot.

Now that you mention it, I do feel like this is something I read somewhere then subconsciously repeated.  I'm terribly sorry for offending.  I'm new to this whole Internet commenting thing and I'm just trying to fit in. 

Seriously people, enough with the Oscar-bashing.  No awards-giving entity will ever perfectly match up with your personal tastes.  At least the Oscars allow small, well-made films to be elevated into the national spotlight.  And gives us pretty people in pretty dresses.

This article kind of reads like a suicide note

Of course when the King gets killed by Agrabahni vipers, blame the first Agrabahni guy in sight.  Racial profiling.