
Daily Mail readers may idolise the shapeshifting lizards but the rest of us just fuck on the Queens' lawn http://tinyurl.com/dbrc26

"Blasted Malomars, my tits are back!"

May I add to those "fuck Hulu" sentiments. There was I all excited about some unknown (on these shores) yank comedy show that for most people is considered a figment of their imagination only to be denied by my geographical stigma.
Still, we have iPlayer……….

@danrimage: …but that's enough about Patsy Palmer ;)

@danrimage. Don't let anyone tell you that you aren't the Supreme Avengers fan. That's some quality trivia there!

Thankyou alurin, somebody had to say it! Byron and his harem of goths did nothing for me.

Its all done nanotechnology!

Worf doesn't beg, he just takes.

Who's been telling you that?

Who's been telling you that?

The posters for the series just scream "Yorkshire" right down to the weather beaten grimace on Sean Beans hairy chopped face.

The Forever War is a cracking read and I loved parallel with the space marines being more and more detached from the increasingly alien Earth they are fighting to protect to the real life problems of soldiers coming home to a country they no longer recognise.

15 Stories High is sweet, and living in my upscale neighbourhood I get it totally!

Oh you, will. Not now but a few months from now you'll wonder what happened to you.

The one with all the priests on the doomed plane is my favourite. Dammit, I'll watch it again right now!

Well it made me chuckle anyway.

If we didn't have girls with low self esteem we wouldn't have any porn.

back when boobs were real boobs and men smoking cigarettes like kings!

Humility and apologies decrease my humour wang
Now that Bale has said sorry, admitted he was an ass and told us to make as many techno remixes as we want because he deserves it is his rant less funny?

I wondered what Mel Gibson had to say on the matter.