
I'm more curious about the 190 minute cut. Will that be released to theatres, or just DVD?


Backstreet's back alright!

Crash 2: Another disturbing sex scene involving a hole in some chick's leg.

I don't remember Doom being that horrible. Sure I wouldn't buy it if I saw it in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart, but it was worth a free watch.

Beat me to it, Thatches. For all the people on this site who talk about how much they love Beirut, to the exclusion of every other band and genre, there are quite a few empty spots here. Seriously, WTF? I love Beirut, AND I love a bunch of other shit. What's the deal?

I'm sure the DVD sales alone have put Fight Club squarely into the black. And while I would really love to see Survivor (would be a bit difficult with the ending; check chuckpalahniuk.net to see what I mean), it would be far easier to make than a real adaptation of Running Man. Wow, was that good.

I really dug Survivor, and think it would be even more on the mark post-9/11. Though it would be pretty tight to try and see "Rant" up on the screen. Really fucking awesome book.

Speaking of death metal…

Hey Coop-

It's how I now refer to the book series, especially since so many of my female friends are wringing out their panties over the whole debacle. Seriously, Amelie hit the nail on the head with that one.

Pretty awesome, Link. Though I'm wary of seeing Satyricon again live, much as I'd love to. I went to a show a few years back (Morbid Angel headlining, with Suffocation, Satyricon and Premonitions of War) where I was sorely disappointed. I didn't catch the first band (late), then Satyricon came out and played for

I didn't know that Benton got married (isn't that more of a religious ceremony anyways?), considering that I stopped listening to them after Once Upon the Cross; it seemed to me that they stopped being scary and started becoming this giant parody. Only band I still consider "edgy" in the anti-religious sense is

Wait a minute.
The one writer that can be counted on to give a metal review, and nothing about Satyricon's new release? Come on!

I dunno, Link. I guess I have to disagree. I love Cradle (all their albums), but Thornography was a disappointment, and I'm growing increasingly sour with them releasing an album, then re-releasing it a short time later with added goodies. It could just be that I really loved "Principles…," "Vempire…" and "Dusk…"

Thank you, Blech. I can now sleep in peace.

No one here gives a shit about spoilers, at least for this flick. What's the evil fiancee's big secret? She was also a hooker back in the day? She pimped out the Cosby girl? Introduced her to crack, thereby addicting her to the gig? I'll bet the Cosby girl doesn't even have crabs for her time on the

Silly Glenn!

I was thinking the same thing. Probably not as well. I loved Ernest. Especially "…goes to Camp."

Honestly, I haven't seen it since just out of high school nearly a decade ago. I picked it up from the WalMart 5 dollar bin, but haven't gotten around to it. Probably should. I just remember it being batshit insane, and my shock at seeing Matt playing something other than a goofy surfer or good guy. I just