
Damn you Jason!  I was utterly entranced by the Bestial Mouths track, and when I go to the Dais website to grab a copy, realize that it's available only in vinyl.  No digital download, either.  Crap.

That IX Equilibrium album was damn good.

That new Watain album is tits. I hadn't even HEARD of them until last month's Metal Box, and now I can't stop listening. Damn you Leonard.


I thought Karatloz was from across the pond. What do they call rednecks over thar?

You guys…
Really, really, really should have had this review out last week. I miss my twelve bucks.

Same. That link is awesome.

So the new Gorgoroth sucks, and now I hear that Gaahl quit the metal business, effectively putting the God Seed record on indefinite hold. At least the new Dethklok was great.

By the way…
…I love this band to death, but nothing beats their live album. That 20 minute version of Broken Chairs could have made it on the Alice's Restaurant list.

Number of reasonable discussions?

Killer 7?

I never bought the antihero shit either, much as I love that movie. The characters were totally repellent, and the only death that I thought was really worthy was what the sheriff did in the jail cell. Sorry, but those motherfuckers were evil, and they deserved to die.

Isn't Twilight some kind of black metal super-group? No wonder Malefic wants nothing to do with it.

I've had this title in my head vor almost a year now and it grew on me. It sounds nothing but powervul and epic which pervectly mirrors the essence ov the new album. 'Evangelion' comes vrom a Greek word [meaning] 'spreading the word ov God' or 'spreading the good news'

Anne Frank…
…as played by Hilary Duff?

Yup. Penguin hit it on the nose. The scene that absolutely floored me is when he goes back to the church, in the middle of his crisis. Gave me the shivers.

Some incest must, by statistical probability alone, be consensual. That doesn't imply pleasant, but still.

Plus, Warren Ellis' run is right before, continuity-wise, so you'll get the best of both recommendations. Dangerous Habits is good, no lie there, but it may be the nostalgia that brings me back to the others.

And as Default said earlier, the really short Warren Ellis run (134-143) is really tight. You may even want to begin with those, as it's shorter than the Azzarello stuff, and is written to form. I don't like shitting on Ennis or the earlier stuff, as I've grown to love it, but if you have nothing invested in the

Oh. You said "who do you hate more:"