
The dude who does Family Guy had a hand in hyper-stylizing Spidey?


I dug Very Bad Things, mostly because I saw it when I was 16 and didn't have much film experience. Plus it was funny and dark, which always does it for me. It hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped, but I still hold a soft spot. And that ending, while mean-spirited, is just what Diaz's character deserved. As for Donkey

I dug Very Bad Things, mostly because I saw it when I was 16 and didn't have much film experience. Plus it was funny and dark, which always does it for me. It hasn't aged as well as I'd hoped, but I still hold a soft spot. And that ending, while mean-spirited, is just what Diaz's character deserved. As for Donkey

300 sucked some monster balls (it may have been better as a graphic novel), but may gay friends loved it. Can't blame them, though.

Sacred Cows…
Tasha - Still haven't gotten around to "Strangelove," though I own it. Some of the Apatow stuff ain't bad, but I hated "40yo Virgin." I really dug Knocked Up, but that may be more because I see a lot of myself in Rogen's character. It was enough to scare me.

That's RIGHT! I keep forgetting Showgirls! Mainly because I was too busy fapping to it before the wide dissemination of the internets.


It makes me sad. Benjamin Button isn't really an Oscar-worthy pic in my opinion, but both Brad Pitt and David Fincher deserve a nomination, at least. If only Fight Club had been shittier, it probably would have swept.

It makes me sad. Benjamin Button isn't really an Oscar-worthy pic in my opinion, but both Brad Pitt and David Fincher deserve a nomination, at least. If only Fight Club had been shittier, it probably would have swept.

Ditto on Black Book. Man, was that fucking awesome. Couldn't turn it off at 3:00 in the morning, though I had to get up early the next day. Worth it.

Squidbillies is great, especially if you ever had any contact with folk of that ilk, but 12 Oz. Mouse was pretty bad. I'm sure I would have loved it had I not decided to quit pot. Though pot did get me to love Billy and Mandy.

Tim! Eric!
These motherfuckers are so awesome that it hurts! They're finally coming to Ft. Lauderdale, too, unlike that last tour where they ignored South Florida. Yeah, I know it sucks and all, but give us a chance!

Damn. That's what I get for admitting to my mistakes. Next time I reference 2G1C, it will be completely out of the blue!

ou guys are a bunch of pansies. 2G1C is the funniest thing on the internet. It's almost like what Beetlejuice said about The Exorcist…

Whoops. Wrong thread.

You guys are a bunch of pansies. 2G1C is the funniest thing on the internet. It's almost like what Beetlejuice said about The Exorcist…

So wait…does this mean that, given enough time, you'll end up doing the rest of the Star Treks? Even the much-reviled Enterprise? Cause I could totally get behind you on that.

You know, there IS a reason our founding fathers gave us the second amendment: so we could take to the streets and demand of these bastards something that they really don't want to give up.

And all this time I thought that I just wanted to see MAN-CHOP.